【10 FAQ About Protein (Part 2)】

Q4 Why do some people get diarrhea from eating protein?

Have you ever experienced this? Feel your stomach rumble unexpectedly and find yourself running to the bathroom much more frequently than usual after eating a large steak or drinking a glass of milk?

This situation is actually quite common and can be caused by several reasons:

1. Lactose Intolerance:
– Imagine some people are like cars that need specific fuel to run, and lactose in dairy products is that fuel. However, if you lack the “fuel converter” to digest lactose, known as lactase, it’s like putting the wrong fuel in the car — it might not run properly, leading to diarrhea.

2. Protein Allergy:
– For example, some people are allergic to certain proteins, similar to how some are allergic to pollen. If they consume these proteins, their body may activate an “alarm system,” resulting in discomfort or even diarrhea.

3. Excessive Protein Intake:
– Just as eating too many desserts can make your stomach feel full, too much protein can overwhelm your digestive system, causing discomfort and increased bathroom visits.

4. Issues with Protein Source and Quality:
– Similar to how eating poor-quality snacks might upset your stomach, low-quality protein powders or protein foods that are not fresh can also cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

5. Insufficient Fiber Intake:
– Just as your car needs oil to run smoothly, if you consume a lot of protein but lack of fiber, your digestive system may become sluggish, leading to constipation or diarrhea.

6. Poor Protein Digestion:
– It’s like cooking a big meal in the kitchen, but if your stove isn’t hot enough and the ingredients aren’t cooked properly, your food won’t taste good. Similarly, if your digestive system doesn’t break down proteins properly, it can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

7. Imbalance in Gut Microbiota:
– Think of your gut as a garden filled with “good” and “bad” bacteria. If there are too few “good” bacteria and too many “bad” ones, consuming proteins may cause problems and result in stomach discomfort.

8. Food Intolerance:
– Some people have intolerances to certain foods, similar to how some experienced uncontrollable tearing when eating spicy food. After consuming certain proteins, their stomach may react, leading to diarrhea.

9. Poor Lifestyle and Dietary Habits:
– Just as eating a lot of snacks late at night might upset your stomach the next day, irregular eating habits combined with suddenly consuming a lot of protein can lead to digestive discomfort.

10. Inadequate Hydration:
– If you consume a lot of protein but don’t drink enough water, it’s like eating a lot of dry bread without drinking water — your digestive system may dry out, causing gastrointestinal issues and diarrhea.

So, if you feel discomfort after consuming protein, consider whether any of these situations apply to you. Adjusting your diet and lifestyle habits might resolve the issue.

Q5 Why do some people experience a feeling of heat after consuming protein?

Some people feel warm after eating protein. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the “thermic effect of protein,” also known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). It is due to the increased energy expenditure required for the digestion, metabolism, and absorption of protein.

Here are some possible reasons and mechanisms:

  1. Thermic Effect of Protein:
    – The thermic effect of protein refers to the higher energy requirement for the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of protein. This process increases body heat production, leading some people to feel warm.
  2. Increased Metabolic Rate:
    – Protein digestion requires breaking down into amino acids and involves both anabolic and catabolic processes. These processes consume significant energy, thereby increasing the metabolic rate in the body.
  3. Metabolic Byproducts and Amino Acid Processing:
    -The metabolism of protein produces certain byproducts that need to be processed and excreted by the liver and kidneys. This increases energy expenditure and heat production in the body.
  4. Hormonal Response:
    – The intake of protein stimulates the secretion of certain hormones in the body, which can increase the metabolic rate, leading to elevated body temperature and a feeling of warmth.
  5. Digestive System Workload:
    – Digesting high-protein foods requires substantial mechanical and chemical digestion by the stomach and intestines. These processes increase gastrointestinal activity, which can raise body temperature and create a sensation of warmth.

People feeling warm after consuming protein is mainly due to the high thermic effect of protein, increased metabolic rate, hormonal responses, the workload on the digestive system, and individual differences. Understanding these mechanisms can help in adjusting diets reasonably to reduce discomfort.

Q6 Does eating protein make you gain weight?

1) In fact, it depends on several factors such as the quality of protein intake, overall daily calorie balance, the source of protein, as well as your individual metabolism and lifestyle.

If you consume protein in moderation, combined with adequate exercise and a balanced diet, it can help maintain a healthy weight and optimize body composition. In other words, protein itself does not cause weight gain; on the contrary, it offers many benefits to the body.

However, if you consume excessive protein or consume a lot of other high-calorie foods simultaneously, weight gain may occur. After all, any excess calorie intake, whether from protein, fat, or carbohydrates, can lead to weight gain.

Therefore, it’s important to consume protein in moderation, maintain overall dietary balance, and engage in regular exercise to maintain weight and health.

2) When discussing whether eating protein causes weight gain, imagine having a breakfast of an egg and a slice of whole wheat bread. This breakfast provides sufficient protein and carbohydrates to keep you energized in the morning without feeling hungry too quickly. However, if you consume a lot of high-protein foods daily, such as large amounts of meat or high-calorie dairy products, without adequate exercise to burn those calories, it may lead to weight gain.

The key is to control overall calorie intake and maintain physical activity. Just like eating sandwiches every day, if your sandwiches are made of beef and cheese rather than vegetables and turkey, you may find yourself gaining weight

For more information:
1. Nuewee Organic Green Tea Protein with Stem Cell Gold
2. Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin
3. Nuewee Organic Banana Protein with Tiger Milk Mushroom
4. Nuewee Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein with Turmeric

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