Apakah itu Asid Urik? Apakah yang Perlu Diperhatikan?


Apakah itu Urik Asid?

Uric acid is formed by the metabolism of a substance called purines in the body, especially in patients with gout, which may not produce enough enzymes to metabolize uric acid. The function of this enzyme is to oxidize and decompose insoluble uric acid into soluble substances. Therefore, the lack of enzymes in the body of gout patients will cause these insoluble substances to crystallize and coagulate in the blood and tissues to form uric acid.

By the way, a high uric acid level also occurs when your kidneys don’t eliminate uric acid efficiently. Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Other less common causes are a diet high in purine-containing items or your body producing too much uric acid.

Foods and drinks containing high purine levels include:

  • Alkohol.
  • Daging merah dan organ dalaman.
  • Haiwan bercengkerang.
  • Berkuah pekat.
  • Minuman dan makanan tinggi fruktosa.
  • Protein sumber haiwan. Semua protein daripada daging haiwan berpotensi membawa kepada peningkatan paras asid urik.

Click the highest level of purine food table to check out more information.

Purine Foods | Prevention of High Uric Acid

Nowadays, the incidence of hyperuricemia is getting higher and higher, and many episodes of hyperuricemia are induced by improper diet, so once high uric acid is found, the diet needs to be adjusted in time.

There are some reason causes of uric acid:

  • Diuretik
  • Minum alkohol yang berlebihan
  • Genetik
  • Hipotiroidisme
  • Ubat penyekat imun
  • Niacin atau vitamin B-3
  • Obesiti
  • Psoriasis
  • Pemakanan paras purin tinggi - hati, daging buruan, ikan bilis, sardin, kuah, kacang kering dan kacang pis, cendawan dan makanan lain
  • Ketidaklawasan buah pinggang
  • Sindrom lisis tumor

Click on 7 foods to lower uric acid level.

There are 5 manifestations in the body, which means that the uric acid is high, control the five things, and slowly come back of your uric acid level.

Below are some uric acid symptoms:

  • sakit teruk pada sendi.
  • sendi rasa kaku.
  • kesukaran menggerakkan sendi terjejas.
  • kemerahan dan bengkak.
  • sendi hilang upaya.

When uric acid levels exceed the excretion capacity, it enters the bloodstream. Once the blood uric acid concentration is too high, it will be deposited in many body tissues, and it will also threaten many organs in our body.

It can affect our health problems, such as:

  • Renal Damage
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis

Cadangan kepada pesakit asid urik:

Anda boleh membuat perubahan gaya hidup tertentu untuk membantu mencegah asid urik:

  • Limit intake of high-purine foods. These include red meat, organ meats (like liver and kidney), certain types of seafood (such as sardines, anchovies, and shellfish), and high-fructose foods (like sugary beverages).
  • Mengambil kuantiti air yang banyak untuk membantu buah pinggang anda berfungsi dengan cekap dan mengelakkan dehidrasi.
  • Sentiasa bersenam untuk mengekalkan berat badan yang sihat. Berat berlebihan meningkatkan asid urik dalam badan anda dan memberi lebih tekanan pada sendi.
  • Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies to manage stress levels, as stress can sometimes trigger gout attacks.

Kesalahfahaman Berkenaan Nuewee Organic Protein

  1. Adakah pesakit asid urik tidak boleh mengambil terlalu banyak fruktosa?

Pengambilan fruktosa berlebihan akan menyebabkan terjadi asid urik. Namun, Nuewee Protein mengandungi 1.25g fruktosa , adalah lebih sedikit daripada tomato (1.7g), oren (3g), epal (10g) dan pisang (6g)! Oleh itu, pesakit asid urik boleh mengambil Nuewee Protein!

2. Pesakit asid urik tidak dapat mengambil protein haiwan?

Pengambilan protein haiwan berlebihan akan meningkatkan risiko seseorang untuk mendapat asid urik. Namun, Nuewee Protein ialah protein berasaskan tumbuhan. Jadi, Nuewee Protein sebenarnya selamat dimakan.

3. Pesakit asid urik tidak dapat mengambil makanan berasaskan soya?

Makanan berasaskan soya mengandungi kandungan purin yang sederhana dan mungkin terdedah kepada peningkatan asid urik serum (UA). Walau bagaimanapun, Nuewee Protein ialah protein soya yang diasingkan daripada kacang soya yang telah dinyahkulit dan dinyahlemak. Dehulled and defatted soybean is belonging to low-purine food. Therefore, Nuewee Protein is safe to consume.

Pesakit dengan asid urik boleh berbincang mengenai keperluan protein individu dengan doktor, kerana lain orang lain keperluan

Nuewee organic protein can help us to provide satiety to reduce our meal taking.

Nuewee has 5 organic protein powders, which including 4 types of organic proteins with different flavors and its benefits. Click here to find out more!

  1. Nuewee Organic Green Tea Protein with Stem Cell
  2. Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin
  3. Nuewee Organic Banana Protein with Tiger Milk Mushroom
  4. Nuewee Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein with Turmeric

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