6 Drinks that Helps Lower Blood Pressure

A healthy diet is one of the most crucial ways to lower blood pressure. We can control our blood pressure naturally by eating healthy foods everyday. 

Hypertension is not merely caused by obesity and diabetes; it is also caused by unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Do not underestimate hypertensive disease, as it will cost us cardiovascular disease, stroke or kidney failure. Thus, we usually consume medicine and improve our lifestyle to treat hypertension. According to a health information website originated in the United States of America, there are 6 drinks that are beneficial to improve blood pressure control and protect our hearts.

1. Tea

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) literature review in 2020 found that drinking black tea and green tea for a long time can help improve systolic blood pressure (high pressure) and diastolic blood pressure (low pressure), while the effect of green tea is relatively better.

2. Tomato Juice

More and more research has found that drinking 1 cup of tomato juice a day can promote heart health. A 2019 study by Japanese researchers pointed out that an average of 1 cup of tomato juice per day can improve systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol, bad cholesterol). The latest research on stage 1 hypertension (systolic blood pressure 130~139 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 80~89 mmHg), and pregnant women will have similar conclusions as well.

It is noticeable that salted tomato juice may increase blood pressure. Thus, we are encouraged to drink pure tomato juice without salt.

3. Berry Juice

Berry juice, mainly blueberry juice, is rich in antioxidants. According to a study in 2020, drinking cranberry juice or cherry juice can improve blood pressure. Research published in “Nature” in 2016 stated that eating berries can lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels. Kindly remember that it is encouraged to drink non-sugar berry juice.

4. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is abundant in folic acid and vitamin C, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties that help us improve heart conditions. An RCT that was conducted in 2017 found that pomegranate juice can lower blood pressure. It is encouraged to drink pure pomegranate juice, which has no sugar added.

5. Skimmed Milk

Skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt are the keys to lowering blood pressure. A study of 2694 respondents in 2018 found that they had lowered blood pressure by consuming low-fat dairy products. Researchers speculate that phosphorus and calcium may play an important role in lowering blood pressure.

Due to carbon reduction and environmental sustainability policies, the experts suggest consuming 250 grams and not exceeding 500 grams per day of dairy products.

6. Beet Juice

Beets have a low calorie count and are rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals. Both raw and cooked beet juice were found to help lower blood pressure in a 2016 pilot research, however the raw variety performed better. Beets’ dietary nitrates primarily reduce blood pressure.

Does coffee have an impact on blood pressure?

This has been an argumentative topic among scientists for decades. The blood pressure-raising effects of caffeine are only momentary, according to study published in 2017, therefore it may be safe for hypertensive people to consume it in moderation. Nevertheless, they have to always be alert to their blood pressure. Yet, there are still some studies that found that drinking coffee long-term will raise the risk of getting hypertension. Although the effect of drinking coffee on our blood pressure is yet to be confirmed, the drinks below undoubtedly are harmful to our blood pressure.

1. Carbonated Drinks

Most soft drinks contain sugar. It will significantly increase the risk of contracting cardiac and hypertensive diseases.

2. Sugary Drinks

Iced tea is the most favored drink among the nations of the United States of America. Therefore, it is suggested to consume iced tea with no sugar added.

3. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks mainly provide concentrated caffeine and sugar. Studies have pointed out that some energy drinks can remarkably increase blood pressure in our bodies.

4. Alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption has been proven to raise blood pressure. If you are taking medication for hypertension, alcoholic drinks likewise influence the effectiveness of the medication.

Low sodium intake and eating less processed food or salty snacks will contribute to decreasing blood pressure. Eating more vegetables and fruits, exercising frequently, and having a nutritionally balanced diet will improve hypertensive disease. In addition, smoking also contributes to high blood pressure and cardiac disease. Thus, it is a must for us to say “no” to smoking.

Check out the Nuewee Organic Pumpkin Protein with Turmeric which aids in improving blood pressure control.

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