7 天瘦身排毒挑战


  1. 吃-食物被污染,喜欢吃煎炸,罐头食品,隔夜菜等。
  2. 喝- 水源污染,含色素,防腐剂
  3. 呼吸- 空气污染
  4. 疾病-打针和吃药
  5. 情绪- 生活压力,紧张,愤怒,郁闷
  6. 不良生活习惯- 抽烟,喝酒,熬夜,大鱼大肉,经常吃垃圾食物

The accumulation of toxins not only affects our health, but also causes a burden on the body, including: constipation, bad breath, obesity, frailty, endocrine disorders and irritability, etc., and also affects our quality of life.

Nuewee has launched a brand-new [7-Day Slimming Detox Package], which is mainly based on the concept of simplicity, convenience, delicious taste and rich nutrition, so that consumers can achieve detoxification easily, decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass, increase basal metabolism rate (BMR), prevent weight-loss rebound, keep the body in good shape, healthy eating and improve quality of life.

【7 Days Slimming Detox Package】is composed of 5 Nuewee functional products, including:
1. Nuewee有机绿茶蛋白粉与干细胞
2. Nuewee 有机香蕉蛋白粉与低聚果糖
3. Nuewee有机黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素
4. Nuewee Organic Super Green Juice with Sea Buckthorn
5. Nuewee有机豌豆蛋白分离 (加强版)
*For more information, you may click on each product’s name above.

After purchasing this package, we will also let consumers know the [correct usage and method]. Your daily meal plan and activities are also provided, so you definitely will see the results within 7 days.

After using this package, in 7 days you will feel:
Brighter skin, no constipation, weight loss, more energy, memory improve, more youthful vitality and more.
To find out more about this package, you can contact Nuewee’s Authorized Distributors, Thanks.



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